Documenting EVERYTHING...

Last night was Saxon's very first bubble bath. Not sure why it took me so long to realize it might be something he would get a kick out first it sort of blew his mind that he could TOUCH the water and then it was the most hilarious thing he had ever encountered. I gave us both bubble beards and when I pretend sneezed and blew my beard off I thought he was going to explode he thought it was so funny. And then in the middle of all the fun I panicked because I wasn't getting this on camera, I mean this was his FIRST BUBBLE BATH, he will need to see this when he is old and we need to have this for future reference and this is crazy I don't have my iPhone with me...I stood up to grab the camera in the next room and then I looked down at my smiling baby covered in foam and wondered what the hell was I thinking. a) this was so much fun why would you leave and b) your kid is in a tub of water you dumb ass. I was so worried about not capturing this incredible moment for all the rest of time that I almost ruined the moment by leaving it!

It's hard with a small child doing all these incredible life moments for the first time because you want to have everything recorded for the future and you're so afraid of forgetting the little things. But last night's bath was just one magical moment out of maaaaannnnyyyy between me and my son and to be present and fully immersed in that moment meant more than making sure I got a shot of every angle and every bubble and every toothy smile. At the end of the bath, he was trying so hard to make his own bubble beard and bubble shirt that I almost cried it made me so happy to watch. And the grin on his face will be something that will stay in my heart for always.

That being said - I am pretty sure I managed to get like 24932523523 photos of him eating dried seaweed the other morning. Phew - good thing I got THAT captured on camera........

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